My flight was delayed slightly and I was waiting for takeoff thinking about something the Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit a week or so ago. I had a flurry of thoughts, and then several verses from the Word of God come to me concerning this incident. He said: Listen to my still small voice! < 1 Kings 19:12> I think it's very interesting how God watched over me, protected me and prepared the way before me, today, in so many areas; and that's where you come in, I thought of you and how we could all learn from my experience today, so, here is how the afternoon progressed:
<>ANGELS DO GO BEFORE US and He gives them charge over us:
I had already started thinking and praying about the lines I might have to stand in today at the airport because of a Neuro-Muscular condition, Isaac's disease <>,that I am challenged with. Because of the disability, most often I am not able to stand in long lines or sit for long periods of time in the same position without some consequences to my physical body. Therefore, I was trying to mentally prepare myself and talk to someone in security to help me avoid the long line. Praise God, when I arrived at the terminal there were no lines outside at the curbside check in. Then when I went inside to security, I was able to quickly find a security guard who took me right to the front of the line! Glory to God. No Problems!
Praise God, now I was very happy and comfortable, and on my way to being relaxed. All I needed to do was to find my Gate, then I could feel like I was prepared, knowing ahead of time how far I would be to from a place to grab some lunch so I could be back to the gate in time to board. Then I found my gate was just around the corner from a food area that sold coffee, too, GREAT, I was good to go!
As I sat in this food area at a table by myself, I had time to relax and reflect. I could unwind now and watch the people around me scatter here and there, eating, working and waiting for their flights and maybe their families, friends or who ever they were with. I noticed there were several people with their laptops open and working which got me to thinking I might want to clean up now and do the same. I still had almost two hours left before my flight was to depart.
As I approached the seating area at my gate, I started to consider where I might sit; I like having the comfort, as I was saying before, of knowing where things are in relation to where I will be; you know, like where the rest room is, etc. then I can feel like all's clear and I'm ready to go, safe and prepared! I like to be prepared!
I love waiting on the lord, even for the simplest things. It's like watching a movie; I can't wait to see what He is going to do next in my life!
I scanned the seating area at my gate noticing immediately the seat I would feel most comfortable in. It was perfect; close to the information desk and the door that we would be boarding the plane through, the window was to the left in front of me along with the whole seating area from this seat's perspective for people watching!
Walking into the gate area and toward the seat I had chosen, I suddenly felt a ‘STRONG’, almost magnetic pull away from the seat. A definite NO, DON’T SIT THERE! “What was that?”, I said to myself. Being previously aware of the alarm that would often go off in my mind about seemingly insignificant situations and decisions; I questioned the Lord; Is this you? I am always talking with God about everything. <1> So, I looked up and quickly surveyed the area again to see if I could find a seat that was as comfortable as this one seemed to be. Well, there was one area that would suffice, but I could not see the other seating area, or the window, and the seating in this set of chairs were all ripped, and slit up, which could be a bit uncomfortable. But, my main concern anyway was to be close to the door and information desk.
I was not feeling good about the first seat now after that strong discernment Psalm 119:169> <Proverbs 11:9 > <Colossians 1:9> from the Lord. < 1 Corinthians 12> < 1 Corinthians 14>
Even though I wasn't feeling good about that first seat now, I could feel a human struggle within me wanting to sit in the seat that felt more satisfying to my flesh. “This is ridiculous”, I said to myself, “I am arguing with God, I need to just trust Him and sit down over there.” And so I did.
Now that I was sitting, I could enjoy me coffee and arrange my laptop for possible reading and paperwork. For now, though, I thought I would just sit and watch whatever was going on around me for just a minute. Oh, this isn't bad at all, I thought, I can't see the seating in the gate or the windows, but I can see the people arriving from the hallway down by the other gates.
After a few minutes I decided to catch up on some phone calls, and while I was talking, only about 15 minutes into the conversation, I heard a LOUD CRASH and it didn't stop, so I looked up and to my amazement, I saw an airport car (golf-cart type) coming directly at me. It hit the row of chairs in front of me, pushing them and tossing them into the air along with the man that was sitting in the very seat I had planned to sit in! He, and the row of seats he had been sitting in, were pushed forward toward me approximately 6 feet, catapulting him into the air and then onto the ground at me feet before the car finally stopped. Never touching me! The driver said it was some sort of malfunction in the brakes. The man was OK, just a little shaken. If that had been me, my physical condition wouldn't have sustained that fall the way he did...
The Lord knew this was going to happen and protected me. He warned me not to sit in that seat. I had a choice; I could hear His voice and listen to it, or I could have decided to think it was just me and not listen. But, if you remember me telling you earlier in this article, I had been warned previously a week or so ago with a word, to Listen to His Voice! His Still small Voice. I am so glad I did. Praise God.
Do you know His Voice? God will do this for you as well; we just have to learn to recognize and discern His voice from that of a stranger.
In times past I have missed this small voice, this warning and then, after the fact, too late, having remembered the voice of warning. Now, I am practicing to hear His voice.
In order to hear His voice, we have to spend time with Him in His Word < 2 Timothy 2:14-16 >
He will go before you and He will be your rear guard, and he does keep His promises and watch over them to perform them.
Thank You, Jesus!
I hope I have encouraged you in the things of God today; to read and study His word; to hear His voice and know that above all, that HE LOVES YOU!!!
May God's Richest Blessings, Be Yours!
Every Scripture is God-Breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable...
II Timothy 3:16a
Posted By Susie to AngelsbowtoHIM at 8/26/2007 08:24:00 PM
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